Dry Ice Deflashing

Dry Ice Deflashing by Nitrofreeze

Dry Ice DeflashingDry Ice Deflashing uses a manually operated, precision dry ice cleaning system to remove difficult flash on a part. This process is ideal for parts with complex geometries and/or parts that require a media-less clean.  Because dry ice sublimates to gaseous CO2 upon impact with the surface,  Dry Ice Deflashing is effectively a media-free process. Larger parts (having a dimension > 5 inches) may also be good candidates for this process. Accelerated micro-particles of shaved dry ice serve to freeze and blast away residual flash.

Nitrofreeze has become the industry leader in cryogenic applications with much credit owed to its deflashing product lines. Professional, ISO certified service and fast turnaround times have made Nitrofreeze the go-to source for all plastic deflashing needs.


The Process | See It In Action

Powered by the Cold Jet i3 MicroClean, our dry ice deflashing process offers a quick, media-free clean of complex or high value parts. Accelerated dry ice removes flash and cleans part surfaces.

Dry Ice Deburring Machine


What materials can we deflash?

Deflashed plastic

Cryogenic Deflashing has proven successful in removing flash from most plastics and rubbers, with a demonstrated preference to thermoplastic polymers. Nitrofreeze has successfully deflashed the following materials and more with this process:

Silicones, Nylons, PEEKs, Polycarbonates, Polyurethanes, ABS, Acetals, Delrin, PPE (Polyphenylene Ether), Turcite, Ryton (PPS), EPDM, and many more.

Will cryogenic temperatures or tumbling alter or damage my parts?

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See the process in action

More FAQ

Will this process change the surface finish of my parts?

What is the min and max lot size?

Will cryogenic temperatures damage my parts?

I want to try Cryogenic Deflashing prior to running lots of my parts. Is there a way I can sample the process?

I would like to sample the process on my parts

For more information on our PreProduction Engineering Evaluation (PPEE) sampling program contact us at [email protected] or 1-508-459-7447. You may also request to have a Nitrofreeze representative contact you.

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